Curt Schilling has worked hard to make a name for himself as a purveyor of hateful rhetoric and memes through his social media accounts, and though it lost him his job at ESPN, it has made him a political figure notorious enough to show up on CNN and mull a Senate run against Elizabeth Warren. It has also opened him up to be savaged online by more reasonable thinkers.
Dan Haren, like Curt Schilling, is also a former MLB pitcher with a popular Twitter account, but he falls squarely under the “reasonable thinkers” umbrella, and he’s a funny one at that. After Schilling re-posted a horrific meme threatening to lynch journalists, Haren unleashed a hellacious burn:
Ketchup. Sock. World Series.
Some assembly required https://t.co/cEKpdHst1x
— dan haren (@ithrow88) November 8, 2016
Of course, the bigoted things Schilling has posted on social media haven’t alienated him from everyone — there are plenty of people out there who either agree with his views or forgive them because of the heroic part he played in the 2004 curse-breaking Red Sox team, including the bloody sock. That sock was a theatrical reminder of Schilling’s toughness, but even that has been called into question recently, and Haren was all too happy to poke fun at Schilling’s greatest source of pride.