Donald Trump Criticizes Al Franken Over His Misconduct Allegations While Still Remaining Silent On Roy Moore

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The controversy surrounding Senator Al Franken has finally reached the thumbs of Donald Trump and his Twitter account. It was expected that the president would make mention of the sexual misconduct allegations and photograph shared by Leeann Tweeden earlier on Thursday. Franken apologized for the alleged incident and the photo that appears to show him jokingly groping a sleeping Tweeden, but also said he would cooperate with an ethics probe about his conduct.

This didn’t stop many from criticizing Franken and calling for his resignation, especially those who have been supporting Roy Moore for weeks while he faced his own allegations from several women. It’s a situation that likely should transcend politics, but it has not for accusers and defenders on both sides of the aisle. Now Trump has weighed in on “Al Frankenstien” on Twitter, while continuing to remain silent on Roy Moore and the allegations against him.

This backfired, of course, or at least brought about the response you would expect to a president who has faced countless allegations of sexual misconduct himself. Not only that, but he was also captured on tape discussing his tactics with women, seeming to admit to kissing women without consent and famously saying, “grab em by the pussy.”

Gretchen Carlson was quick to reference this in her response to the president, while others also reminded him of his past history with sexual harassment and misconduct.

It should also be noted that the president has said and done a few things during his campaign and presidency that likely wouldn’t bode well in your office’s HR department. This would include his Miss Piggy comments about Alicia Machado and his awkward compliment to French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife only a few months ago. Even if they seem harmless, it’s stuff that you might raise eyebrows with.

Hopefully this doesn’t end up with another Trump tape being released any time soon. America could not handle it.