Earlier this month, Vanessa Trump, wife of Donald Trump Jr., was hospitalized as a precaution after she opened an envelope addressed to Don Jr. that contained white powder. While the substance was found to be nonhazardous, the NYPD and Secret Service set out to investigate and, now, an arrest has been made.
According to federal prosecutors, the insult-filled letter that accompanied the white powder was postmarked from Boston, which led police to arrest 24-year-old Daniel Frisiello on Thursday morning while he was on his way to work. However, according to prosecutors, Don Jr. was not the only one targeted in this hoax — former soap opera actor turned conservative activist and congressional candidate Antonio Sabato Jr. was one of four other public figures to be mailed an envelope in the last several weeks, too.
Officials have also released (to NBC New York) the contents of Don Jr.’s letter:
“You are an awful, awful person. I am surprised that your father lets you speak on TV. You the family idiot. Eric looks smart,” the letter read, according to officials familiar with the case. “This is the reason why people hate you. You are getting what you deserve. So shut the f*** up.”
Frisiello also reportedly sent letters to a Los Angeles federal prosecutor, a Stanford law professor, and Michigan U.S. Sen. Deborah Stabenow. Each letter contained a personalized letter. Oddly, authorities were able to track down Fisiello because his package to the Stanford professor contained a “glitter bomb” ordered from a private company.
This isn’t the first time the Trump family has been the subject of such mailings. In March 2016, Eric Trump was targeted in a similar hoax. During the 2016 election, an envelope with white powder was sent to Trump Tower twice.
(Via NBC News)