Florida School Shooting Survivors Are Organizing A D.C. March To ‘Shame’ Lawmakers Who Take NRA Money

In the wake of last week’s Florida school shooting, a victim’s mother implored President Trump “do something” about Congress’ inaction on gun control. One survivor delivered a similar, fiery speech on Saturday, and it’s fair to assume that the perpetual lack of congressional action has much to do with the NRA’s substantial donations to GOP politicans. Now, the teen survivors are banding together by organizing a march geared towards placing a “badge of shame” on those lawmakers who accept the NRA’s money.

A group of Stoneman Douglas High School students — led by Cameron Kasky and including David Hogg (who interviewed his fellow students while they hid from gunman Nikolas Cruz) — made the talk show rounds on Sunday morning. In the above Fox News Sunday clip, Kasky announced to Chris Wallace that the “March For Our Lives” will take place on March 24 in D.C. and cities across the U.S. Kasky describes the mission as students being forced to literally beg for their lives because adults won’t take action:

“One of the things we’ve been hearing is it’s not the time yet to talk about gun control. And we respect that. We’ve lost 17 lives, and our community took 17 bullets to the heart, and it’s difficult to come back from that. So here’s the time were going to talk about gun control …. at the end of the day, this isn’t about the red and blue, the GOP and the Democrats, this is about adults and kids.

“We are giving all our politicians a clean slate, and in the next election, we are saying that if you are accepting money from the NRA, there’s a badge of shame on you because you are enabling things like this to happen.”

Hogg then told Wallace that Congress needs to “overcome their political differences” and solve the gun issue rather than persisting in taking “money from these special-interest groups.”

The group also appeared on ABC News, where Kasky declared that teens have had enough of inaction from adults. “We feel neglected,” he said. “And at this point, you’re either with us or against us.” Watch below.

(Via ABC News & Fox News)