The AirBnb host who was banned permanently after canceling a reservation due to race has agreed to pay a $5,000 fine for her actions and will attend a “college course in Asian-American studies” according to CBS News. Dyne Suh had reserved the house in Big Bear, California back in February and was in contact with the owner, Tami Barker, via the AirBnb app. The dispute seemed to stem from Suh’s request about more guests, something Barker agreed to according to CBS News, and quickly turned ugly when the host canceled the reservation and told Suh she wouldn’t rent to her, punctuating it with the message,”One word says it all. Asian.”
Suh immediately filed a complaint with AirBnb, leading to Barker’s permanent ban, but that was only the beginning of the former host’s trouble. An investigation by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing found that Barker had violated the state’s “civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in places of public accommodation” according to the LA Times. Barker reached an agreement with officials to publicly apologize to Suh, pay the $5,000 fine, and attend the Asian-American course, and also perform community service for a civil rights organization in the near future. Edward Lee, Barker’s attorney, released this statement addressing the agreement and the end of the disagreement:
“While regretful for her impetuous actions and comments made on the evening of Feb. 17, 2017, Miss Barker is pleased to have resolved her claims with Miss Dyne Suh and the DFEH in a manner that can hopefully bring a positive outcome out of an unfortunate incident.”
Suh posted a statement on the decision to her Facebook page, praising the outcome and offering some positive words for those who might face similar discrimination in the future:
I am very glad that the outcome of this case includes taking an Asian American studies course. I believe that the more people learn about and understand our history and our struggles, the more they can feel empathy towards us and treat us as equals.
I hope that more victims of discrimination will feel encouraged to come forward with their own stories, empowered now with the knowledge that government entities such as the Department of Fair Employment and Housing and other civil rights organizations will take our cases seriously and fight vigorously for us in order to protect our civil rights. Your pain is not insignificant and you are not alone.
Barker is the first AirBnb host to be fined for discrimination according to the LA Times, but not the first to be investigated in California. It also comes after AIrBnb agreed to cooperate with California officials on tests to uncover possible discrimination with other hosts and if they follow fair housing laws.