Sean Hannity Criticizes Fellow Fox News Personality Shepard Smith As ‘So Anti-Trump’

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Last week, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith and colleague Chris Wallace talked on the former’s program about Donald Trump Jr.’s no-longer-secret meeting with Trump campaign officials and Russians connected to the Kremlin. Smith, who is no stranger to criticizing the Trump administration, was visibly frustrated and asked why the administration’s statements on the meeting contained “lie after lie,” saying that the “deception is mind-boggling,” leaving Wallace stunned.

Sean Hannity, who is no stranger to criticizing his fellow Fox News cohorts or reporters at rival outlets, took a break from vehemently defending the President and questioning the legitimacy of the Russia investigations to take umbrage with Smith’s comments this week on his radio show.

Speaking to White House official Sebastian Gorka, Hannity accused Smith of going off on a rant and being “so anti-Trump.” Hannity continued, saying he has “no problem” with Smith disagreeing with him because they’re IRL pals.

“I’ll say this about the Fox News Channel, there are voices on Fox that drive me nuts,” Hannity said at another point in his show. “Like Shep and I been friends for years, we just respect we don’t agree. And the media was praising Shep and he’s not the biggest fan of Trump, fine! We don’t talk politics when we hang out, when I see him we have the best time and we just have this mutual respect.”

The feud between the long-time Fox News employees is just the latest example of the divisive culture at the network which in recent months has been saddled with multiple harassment and discrimination lawsuits.

UPDATE: Smith responded to Hannity’s comments in a statement to Mediate: “Sometimes facts are displeasing. Journalists report them without fear or favor.”

(Via CNN)