Trump On The Devastating Impact His Proposals Will Have On His Poor, Rural Supporters: ‘Oh, I Know That’

This week, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson grilled Donald Trump on the GOP’s replacement for Obamacare, which has become a laughingstock, although Trump acknowledges this and seems alright with it. Carlson pointed out that Trumpcare would most likely hurt the poor, rural counties that voted for him, and Trump replied: “Oh, I know.” He also stressed that the bill is only preliminary, and he’s open to negotiation.

Carlson was referring to the tax cuts that were associated with the GOP healthcare plan. A Bloomberg analysis showed how Trump-backed counties could only see a $6.6 billion benefit, while their Clinton-backing counterparts could see $21.9 billion.

Trump promised on the campaign trail he would create a superior Obamacare replacement to benefit all citizens, but Carlson reminded him that he’s veering from campaign promises (and the White House even admits that Trumpcare could cause 26 million people to lose coverage within a decade). Carlson pointed out the inconsistent nature of this approach, and Trump stated that he’s going to negotiate the greatest deal possible:

“A lot of things aren’t consistent. These are going to be negotiated. We will take care of our people, or I’m not signing it. If we’re not going to take care of the people, I’m not signing anything.”

Carlson took a surprisingly tough stance during his interview with Trump, unlike Sean Hannity, who only tosses softballs at his friend and spreads conspiracy theories in solidarity with the president. But Trump didn’t seem too fazed by Carlson’s questions and almost appeared nonchalant. Yet with the House preparing to vote next week on Trump care, he may need to get moving.

Here’s the full interview clip below, if you’d like to watch Carlson grill Trump for quite some time.

(Via Salon, CNN & Bloomberg)