Bono And U2 Paid Tribute To Rep. Steve Scalise And Other Victims Of The Congressional Baseball Shooting

Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise remained in serious condition for days after being shot at a Congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia last week. Possibly raising his spirits? A shoutout from Bono during a recent U2 concert. And he’s been upgraded to fair condition. Good news all around.

In the above video, most likely filmed at the band’s Tuesday night show at Maryland’s FedEx Field (home stadium of the Washington D.C. NFL team) before starting (what sounds a lot like) “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” Bono tells the crowd:

“You’ve been through some troubling days here with the shooting in Alexandria. We are so grateful that Congressman Scalise and his comrades made it through. So grateful. We hold them up, as love holds us all up.”

Bono is no stranger to commenting on current events and offering support to victims of violence from the stage or elsewhere. In November 2015, he spoke about the Paris attacks, which occurred days before U2 was set to perform in the city, that included a strike on the Bataclan Theater.

“If you think about it, the majority of victims last night are music fans,” he said at the time. “This is the first direct hit on music that we’ve had in this so-called War on Terror, or whatever it’s called. It’s very upsetting.”

U2 is currently celebrating the 30th anniversary of the release of their album Joshua Tree, playing the album in its entirety, between other notable favorites, at each tour stop.

(via ABC News)