Perhaps you remember the brand snafu after Game 1 of the 2014 NBA Finals when LeBron James experienced cramping in the fourth quarter before the Spurs came back for the win. The official Twitter account for Gatorade tweeted out a dismissive missive claiming LeBron would have stayed properly hydrated if he had been drinking their performance drink. Powerade is an official sponsor of the NBA, and Gatorade later apologized for the tweet after we learned ‘Bron actually was drinking Gatorade. Well, in Cleveland’s disappointing loss last night at the Q, the performance drink battle continued when a Cavs employee was caught on camera pouring Gatorade into a Powerade bottle.
By way of SB Nation, with a hat tip to BroBible, comes this glorious GIF of the brand screwup.
As noted by some viewers: why didn’t the employee just switch up the components of the bottle in the tunnel or the locker room, away from the prying eyes of one of the most hyped opening games ever? Instead, we’ve got a Cavs worker possibly losing his job just to satisfy one Cavalier player’s request for another type of drink.
What do you think?
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