LeBron James Confirms Dwyane Wade’s Claim That He’s The Cheapest Guy In The NBA

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LeBron James is not only one of the most popular pro athletes in the world; he’s also one of the wealthiest. According to Forbes, his basketball salary combined with his myriad endorsement deals has him poised to reach the billionaire club in the very near future.

Yet despite the mind-boggling wealth he’s amassed over the course of his career, LeBron is a notorious skinflint. The King satirized his own insufferably penny-pinching ways in the 2015 Amy Schumer rom-com Trainwreck, and according to his best pal Dwyane Wade, that portrayal wasn’t far from reality.

In a new interview with Rachel Nichols that’s set to air during Monday Night Football, Wade finally got LeBron to own up to his tightwad tendencies.

“I’m not turning on data roaming, I’m not buying no apps, I still got Pandora with commercials,” James says.

In a world where so many professional athletes squander their considerable fortunes in the pursuit of excess, LeBron’s fiscal responsibility is admirable. Yet it’s a personality trait that those closest to him love to needle him about.

But no matter how much money he manages to squirrel away, it’ll never be enough to buy himself a healthier, more luxurious coif than Wade’s, which is a fact the latter will hilariously never let him forget.