We Found Out Which Member Of ‘The Starters’ Is The Best At NBA Trivia


The guys from The Starters obviously know a thing or two about basketball, but which one knows the most? Dime decided to try and figure out the answer to that question by seeing which member of The Starters knows the most random hoops trivia. Dime Podcast hosts Martin Rickman and Robby Kalland went down to their set to ask them some questions and, eventually, crown a king.

In the game, which we’re calling The Dime NBA Speed Round, Trey Kerby, Leigh Ellis, Tas Melas, and J.E. Skeets were pitted against one another in a two-round competition. In the first round, the group was given a series of multiple-choice questions worth one point apiece, with the lowest scorer at the end of the round getting eliminated. The questions included, among others…

  • What NBA player was traded four times in June 2015?
  • Who has the most 50-40-90 seasons in NBA history?
  • What current player has played with the most different franchises?

We ended up needing several tiebreakers before eliminating one member of The Starters, who joined Martin and Robby for the final question. Armed with markers and dry erase boards, the remaining three dudes had to answer one final, Rasheed Wallace based question.

It was close, but eventually, we managed to crown a winner. Who was it? Watch to find out, and make sure you check out The Starters every weeknight on NBA TV.