Marvel took a gamble with Netflix’s Daredevil, creating their darkest television or film property yet. Luckily, their risk paid off, and Daredevil was a hit with critics and fans alike, and started a new offshoot of the Marvel Universe that is grittier and more flesh-and-blood than their blockbuster films. The next up of the Marvel comics to find a home on Netflix is Jessica Jones, set to air in December 2015. Based on Brian Michael Bendis’s ‘R-rated’ Alias comics, former superhero Jones, played by Krysten Ritter, has left the world of capes and powers behind after horrible trauma and now works as a P.I. in Hell’s Kitchen (yes, the same Hell’s Kitchen where Daredevil punches crime in the face). After Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist will also have solo runs on Netflix, before joining up with Jones and Daredevil’s Matt Murdock for a Defenders series.
Earlier today at the Television Critics Association panel, executive producer Melissa Rosenberg gave fans a hint of what to expect from the upcoming show:
“It all starts with Brian Michael Bendis’s Alias series,” Rosenberg said. “He created this incredibly flawed, damaged interesting character. Regardless of gender, it was the character that drew me. He wasn’t afraid to go there and we went even further. We’ve gone further in all of our storytelling.”
Jessica Jones should prove to be an exciting character. Often times in the genre, women fall into either “damsel to be rescued” or “strong female character” stereotypes, so fans should be eager to see a woman written as flawed, complex and fully human. Also, considering how dark Jones’ origin story is in the Alias comics, it will be interesting and probably more than a little horrifying to see where the show goes. However, Rosenberg was very clear that this was not just going to be a Daredevil retread.
“Jessica Jones is a very different show from Daredevil,” she says. “We exist in a cinematic universe, the mythology of the universe is connected, but it will look very different. Tonally they’re very different. If you pick up Bendis’ Alias and pick up Daredevil, they’re wildly different. That was my one concern. Would I have to fit in with Daredevil? The answer was, ‘No, we’re hiring you for your point of view.’”
The Marvel train shows no sign of slowing down, so they likely have another hit on their hands with Jessica Jones. Luckily for fans, it looks like it will be nothing like what has come before, and that is definitely something to get excited about.
(Via /Film)