‘Hannibal’ Creator Bryan Fuller Will Be The Showrunner For The New ‘Star Trek’ TV Series

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It was revealed this past November that Star Trek was returning home to television after an agonizing, decade-long absence. Aside from the fact that cinematic Star Trek writer Alex Kurtzman would be producing, little was revealed about the new show at the time, leading to some fan uncertainty. The Star Trek movies with their Beastie Boys, lens flares and non-stop action are fine, but that’s not necessarily the tone you want from a Star Trek television series.

Well, it seems as if the new Star Trek series will be boldly going forth on solid footing as CBS has announced Hannibal, Pushing Daisies and Wonderfalls creator Bryan Fuller will be Star Trek‘s showrunner. Fuller has plenty of previous Star Trek experience: He got his start writing scripts for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Voyager.

Kurtzman talked briefly about the direction the new show is going, and why Fuller is the perfect man to take it there.

“Bringing Star Trek back to television means returning it to its roots, and for years those roots flourished under Bryan’s devoted care. His encyclopedic knowledge of Trek canon is surpassed only by his love for Gene Roddenberry’s optimistic future, a vision that continues to guide us as we explore strange new worlds.”

Meanwhile, Fuller assured fans of his Trek bonafides, and expressed gratitude for being chosen as Star Trek‘s new captain…

“My very first experience of Star Trek is my oldest brother turning off all the lights in the house and flying his model of a D7 Class Klingon Battle Cruiser through the darkened halls. Before seeing a frame of the television series, the Star Trek universe lit my imagination on fire. It is without exaggeration a dream come true to be crafting a brand-new iteration of Star Trek with fellow franchise alum Alex Kurtzman and boldly going where no Star Trek series has gone before.”


Well, my anticipation level for this new Star Trek has officially gone from “low-level dread” to legitimately excited. What about you folks?

Star Trek will air on CBS’ digital subscription service CBS All Access, and is expected to debut in early 2017 in celebration of, if a bit late for, the Star Trek franchise’s 50th anniversary.

via Variety