Just a few weeks ago, we first learned that Hannibal himself, Mads Mikkelsen, would be joining the ranks of director Gareth Edwards’ Star Wars: Rogue One anthology film. Yet, who the Danish actor would be playing, and whether or not his character would be one of Felicity Jones’ good guys, remains to be seen. If anything, his current ties to television encouraged many Internet squabblers to assume the darker side of the pendulum.
Not so fast, says Mikkelsen himself. At least, that according to StarWars7News’s translation of Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet‘s interview with the actor:
Is it a big or a small role?
It is a very important role, as much I can say.
Are you the bad guy?
No, my character is actually not a bad guy, and then I can not say more.
I can also say that the movie will be shot in Iceland and England. And the filming will last for three months.
Whether or not Disney’s Marvel-trained PR snipers were in the immediate vicinity, it seems Mikkelsen is already cued up to answer reporters’ Rogue One questions with the juiciest non-answers possible. Especially because, right before the above exchange, the tabloid asked him about his name’s placement under Jones’s top billed spot on the film’s IMDb page:
On IMDb, your name is listed just after Felicity Jones. It suggests that it is a great role. Is it a big role?
I have not actually noticed that. It is probably because the other might not have come on the list yet [smiles].
Does this mean there’s another unannounced edition to the cast, or is there just another member of Rogue One‘s growing ensemble that hasn’t been added to IMDb’s records? Considering Mikkelsen’s smile-after-the-fact, I’m prone to suspect (and hope for) the former.
Either way, it’s nice to know that (a) his Star Wars character is important, and (b) isn’t just another turn in his English language-film cap of villainous roles. Though I can’t promise I won’t giggle like a school girl if Mikkelsen says anything remotely like this in the film:
(Via Bleeding Cool)