Wendy’s Has Given In As A Teen’s Quest For Chicken Nuggets Becomes The Most Retweeted Tweet Ever

It’s official: a man will have his nuggs. Although high school student Carter Wilkerson did not reach the previously agreed upon 18 million retweets Wendy’s required for a year of free chicken nuggets, he’s getting them anyway, after his tweet became the most retweeted tweet of all time this week. The Reno, Nevada teen went viral last month when his simple request to the fast food chain snowballed out of control and the #NuggsForCarter movement was born, which spawned its very own website with merchandise and everything.

At the time of this writing, Carter’s original tweet has amassed 3,433,532 retweets, narrowly beating out the previous record held by Ellen DeGeneres’ famous 2014 Oscars selfie, which currently stands at 3,430,336 retweets. A few weeks ago Ellen brought Carter on The Ellen Show to meet her competition, and try to win him over with a new TV and a year’s supply of Ellen underwear (which is arguably less of a prize than a year of #nuggs).

In addition to finally getting his nuggs, Carter’s quest turned out to be for a good cause. The teen also managed to raise $100,000 for the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, in addition to donations that were sent directly to Pinocchio’s Moms on the Run, a local organization in Reno that provides support services to women with breast cancer and their families. So at the end of the day, Carter gets his nuggets, charities received fundraising, and Wendy’s got a heck of a lot of free marketing. Win-win-win.