No One Enjoyed Watching ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ More Than ‘SNL’ Cast Member Leslie Jones


Avengers: Infinity War earned over $2 billion at the box office, and it’s about to make a lot whole lot more, now that the most ambitious crossover event in history is available on digital download. One person who immediately took advantage of watching the 19th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the comfort of her home: SNL cast member Leslie Jones, who, as she often does, live tweeted her thoughts to her nearly one million Twitter followers. You can look at an actual (read: boring) review of Infinity War, or you can read Jones’ thoughts, including “YOOOOO!! These villains ain’t f*cking around!! And they straight ghetto too yo like gang banging in this mf!! Damn!” and “Now don’t judge but I would have dated thanos in my 20s LMAO!! Wit his gangsta ass!”

Jones, who apparently didn’t see Infinity War in theaters, was quick to admit that her commentary will not be a spoiler-free zone. “Ok so it’s gonna take me two days to watch this movie y’all too much shit keep happening I can’t take it,” she wrote. “This muthafucka done beat up the hulk, killed the gate keeper and Loki! Damn the spoilers this is too much now! Like this dude from jail yo! He don’t give a fuck!” She also compared the Mad Titan to Trump (which, frankly, is rude to Thanos), was surprised to see Spider-Man, and shared her appreciation for superhero capes. Maybe her goal of being in Deadpool will come true.

You can read some of her best tweets below, and stay tuned for part two.

UPDATE: Well, Jones finished the movie, and… yeah.

Poor Leslie is going through what the rest of us experienced months ago.

Good question. Where was the Justice League?