It would be safe to say that the wait for Avengers: Endgame went off the rails last week. Fans seriously would not let go of the theory that Ant-Man will defeat Thanos by climbing into his most vulnerable orifice and expanding. This would be such a ridiculous (and disgusting) conclusion to the MCU’s Phase Three that it almost seems fitting, perhaps because Marvel fans finally grew weary of taking every detail too seriously and lightened up. The Mad Titan himself, Josh Brolin, embraced the theory with a response from the toilet because why not abandon his prestige-drama reputation altogether? Seems like a sound career strategy. And while we’re all struggling to accept that Thanos is acting like Deadpool now, Jeremy Renner’s getting in on the bathroom humor game. He posted this ad of his own face gazing down at a European urinal.
Renner, of course, is preparing for Hawkeye’s MCU return after missing out on Infinity War. The first Endgame trailer essentially revealed that he will adopt the Ronin identity when we see him next, and a slew of newly released toys have apparently confirmed the significant switch up for Clint Barton. Yet everyone’s been so focused on silly old Ant-Man, not only because of the relevant quantum realm angle but because of all the gross Thanos-butt jokes. It’s only fair that Renner gets in on the bathroom game, too! However, the #euro-peein’, #aintlookin #ipromise, and #wtf hashtags might be a step too far.
Someone needs to class up this joint soon — please, no followup toilet remarks from Captain America. If we can’t count on him for a whiff of maturity, then there’s truly no hope for the universe’s recovery.
Avengers: Endgame will bow in theaters on April 26.