A Police K-9 Unit Will Get Bulletproof Vests Thanks To A Big Donation From Anderson Cooper

Tragedy struck the Norfolk Police Department when K9 officer Krijger was shot and killed during a standoff stemming from a domestic dispute. Naturally, when news of the 4-year-old’s death reached the web, an outpouring of support to get the Norfolk Police Department’s furriest unit safe and protected by body armor reached a fever pitch. A fundraiser was immediately started by Spike’s K9 Fund to buy bulletproof vests, and by word of mouth, CNN’s Anderson Cooper learned of Krijger’s ultimate sacrifice – so he took action.

A special “THANKS” to CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 for his generous donation to the Norfolk-based charity, Spike’s K9 Fund,…

Posted by Norfolk Police Department on Friday, January 15, 2016

The donation came in the form of a speaking fee for Cooper, and that was enough to give every K9 on the force a shiny new vest. According to James Hatch, who runs Spike’s K9 Fund, that’s 18 vests in total, and a solid amount of dough.

I did a little searching for how much the average doggie bulletproof vest costs, and it looks like the range can be anywhere from $800 a vest to $1800. I’m also realizing that dogs are surprisingly cute while wearing body armor. Thanks for that, Anderson Cooper.

(Via Buzzfeed)