At the beginning of every summer, most people have grand plans of beach days, road trips, and generally grabbing life by the horns. This will be your year! You may have spent fall and winter swaddled in blankets on the couch and spring in a hay fever haze, but summer is going to be different. Until you realize how much planning goes into a “simple” day at the beach and that many road trips just end up being long drives to nowhere with a better than usual soundtrack. Besides, inside has air conditioning, Netflix, and that stack of books you’ve been meaning to work through all year, right?
If you find yourself looking to embrace a staycation approach to your summer, Baskin-Robbins is here to help you lean in. The ice cream chain is kicking off a new partnership with DoorDash — complete with insulated carriers for melt-free transportation — to deliver the frozen goodness right to your front door. If you live in the 22 cities listed on the official site, your summer is officially lit.
This new service rolls out on July 14th, when Baskin-Robbins is also launching (complete with free samples in store from noon until 5 p.m.) their Mint Chocolate Chip Polar Pizza, the perfect snack for those who think pizza needs a brownie crust option (i.e. everyone). So, the next time you find yourself without satisfactory munchies during your next Game of Thrones binge, your wish is Baskin-Robbins’ command.
(H/T Delish)