Ahhh Slovenia, where the beer flows like, well… beer. A small town in the central European country is about to make your dreams come true by creating a public beer fountain. Cue thrilled backpackers Googling “Slovenia.”
The town of Zalec is notorious for its hops (and very little else) so they’ve decided to show what they know. To enjoy the fruits of Zalec’s labor, tourists and other thirsty nomads will have to pay about $7 to receive three, 10.5-ounce glasses which each feature a commemorative flag. They’ll then be able to fill their glasses with any of the variety of Slovenian beers flowing from the fountain. No word yet on whether drinkers can make a “graveyard” beer like we all used to do with soda fountains.
Zalec’s public beer fountain will be the first of its kind in Europe. The city’s government is hoping the project will attract plenty of tourists and thereby drive revenue. It is costing taxpayers $190,000, with the remaining $210,000 coming from private donations. Critics of the fountain believe there are better ways to spend the money, but their voices have been trumped by those who believe in the magnificent power of beer!
It’s worth pointing out that no one seems concerned about small children having access to this fountain, so we can conclude Slovenians know how to party. There happens to be no legal drinking age in the country (although there is a purchasing age) so the beer fountain is guaranteed fun for the whole family!
Seriously though, if they made a whole complex like this it’d be the equivalent to Adult Disneyland. Someone should get on that!
(Via Fox News)