Coffee is perhaps the only universally-beloved drink that transcends cultural and physical boundaries outside of plain old water. While coffee can come in all different sorts of blends, roasts and flavors from different parts of the world, the core of what makes coffee what it is doesn’t change much. For most of us, coffee is a part of a daily routine, helping us to wake up in the morning, overcome afternoon slumps and can be used when we have to do stuff we just aren’t that pumped about having to do. We all tend to complain about the price of coffee from Starbucks and other coffee shops, but we might not truly understand the struggle just yet.
According to Fortune, coffee is on track to become quite a bit more expensive in the coming months thanks to inclement weather conditions around the world.
By the end of this year, both arabica and robusta coffee are expected to hit their highest price since early 2015, driven by the global market’s first supply deficit in six years, along with firming currencies in top growing nations and strong demand for coffee.
The prices of coffee are expected to rise anywhere from 10 to 30% before the end of the year. All of this thanks to a higher demand and droughts in Brazil, one of the world’s largest suppliers.
(Via Fortune)