I’ve never done anything while incredibly drunk that I appreciated when I sobered up. It’s always nothing but loads of regret and a whole lot of self-loathing every morning after a night (or day) of drinking. Never any, “Oh my God! Thank you drunk me for dialing that number and crying on the voicemail!” Or, “Thank you drunk me for spending that money!” Or, “Thank you soooo much drunk me for twerking barefoot in the middle of the street and nearly getting ran over and killed.”
But some of these Reddit users are way more sane than I am when I’ve had a few too much to drink because they shared some pretty cool stories about things they did inebriated that sober them was later on very grateful for.
Dainty Flower‘s story proved why alcohol is sometimes also called “Liquid Courage.”
Drunk me decided to send a private message via Linkedin to one of my contacts about a job sober me was very interested in. However sober me felt we weren’t totally qualified or ready for it. Sober me took no actions. Drunk me felt totally qualified, and my confident drunk message got me the interview which later translated into an offer.
It’s also a confidence booster for Rewardiflost, who attributed alcohol with helping him get married.
Most times, alcohol-influenced me was a lot more bold with women I really liked. If I hadn’t done that kind of stuff, I may never have married. I have no problem following up with promises, but sober me thinks too much — speaking my feelings, politely waiting for reciprocation/consent, finding the line between respect and assertiveness.. my drunk self seems to do better.
On the flipside, not knowing when to stop means bad results. Amazingly, this guy actually quit drinking because of a message he sent his future self while drunk. Even while plastered, TherealGrinBast still knew he was going to end up a POS father if he didn’t get his sh*t together.
Several years ago drunk me set up a Yahoo reminder to send a message to myself exactly three years later. It read, “Your little boy is seven years old now. I sincerely hope you have you are living a sober life, because he’s old enough to understand now what a pathetic drunk you are.” When I received that reminder, which I had no memory of setting up, I was still a pathetic drunk. But that message was so scary and made me so disappointed in myself as a father and a human that poured out the glass I was holding and haven’t had one since. Even the idea of drinking generates so much anxiety I stay the hell away from it. Thank you, drunk me, for at least having the foresight to help me quit.
While drunk me just wants to find the nearest bed to collapse on, drunk Cheerfulhope still keeps their nighttime routine the same.
For a really long time, no matter how drunk I was, I could always count on myself to take my makeup off, get into my pajamas, floss, and brush my teeth. Drunk me used to be really responsible.
Some people are just that surprisingly responsible when drunk. Like Garethom, who trashed the hotel room he and his friends were staying in and then cleaned it all up while drunk.
We booked out a hotel room and got trashed before going out. Think 6 guys chugging on a tonne of beer and eating snacks for about 5 hours. There was a lot of stuff strewn around the room, topped off by a few smashed bottles in the bathroom, because my friend thought the bath was full of cold water, but it was actually empty.
I ended up coming back before everybody else and fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning, the room was spotless. My friend who was sharing the room with me told me he came home to find all the empty cans crushed and bagged up, with all the snack rubbish in the bin. I’d even gone into the bathroom and picked up every shard of glass, and made sure I’d washed the small shards out of the bathtub with the shower. I’d even cleaned the surfaces.
The maid service would’ve had literally nothing to do other than make the beds. Meant that when we woke up the next morning, feeling worse for wear, we had absolutely nothing to tidy. When we went to our friends’ room, which we hadn’t spent any time in, they’d absolutely trashed it in between getting home and falling asleep. I don’t think my friend had ever loved me more than he did that morning.
Thankfully, Jvpewster still had the wherewithal to know driving after knocking a few back wasn’t a good idea. So instead, he drank some more and walked to work for some shut eye.
Back when I first started working I got a bit overzealous at a happy hour. Co-worker and I realized around the usual leaving time it wasn’t going to be a good idea. So instead we ordered another round, stayed for a few more over that, stumbled back to the office, rather than driving home, around midnight and slept in the reception. Woke up and got some work done Saturday morning.
Drunk Kyless demonstrated how we’re really two different people when hammered.
Left $20 on top of my desk from my own wallet with a note saying “For your troubles”. Woke up ecstatic until I realized it was my own $20. Still, it was nice of drunk me.
Fyrefawx is so “bros before hoes” that he purposely got drunk so he could be a dick to his friend’s crush.
When I was drunk at a get together my buddy asked me not to sleep with this girl who was coming on to me because he had liked her for a long time. I apparently took this as a challenge and got extremely shit faced. I was a total ass and she stopped talking to me. A few months later they were engaged and now have a baby. Drunk me is a good bro.
Goats Lives Matter for Gilbertthegreat, who freed a goat who was chained up for years. Too bad it was captured and tied up again.
I grew up in a small town, a guy across town had a goat tied up in his front yard. So one night me and my buddies got drunk, and I thought to myself, that poor f**ing goat has spent the last 3 years that I know of walking in about a 15 ft diameter circle. So me and my bro loaded up at about 2am and I cut that son of a b*tch free. This damn goat of all the underprivileged goats just stood there. If I were that goat, I would have been like thanks braa-a-a-a! And galloped away to find me a lady goat or something. But f**k it I gave him the chance. Drove by a week later and he was tied back up in the same spot. Ah well, I guess he’s cool with it. But I was super stoked about it.
Perhaps one day I’ll have a cool story to tell. But for now, just more broken promises of never drinking again.