Everyone Is Using Their Best ‘Stranger Things’ Memes After A Massive Eggo Recall

If there is one thing we know for sure after watching Stranger Things, it’s that Eleven is most chill when eating her Eggos. On a related note: about that, we might have a problem.

On Monday, Kellogg’s issued a voluntary recall of nearly 10,000 cases of Eggo waffles as a result of fears that they had become contaminated with listeria. As you might expect, the first thing that came to people’s minds when they heard this news was that they desperately needed to get the word out to Eggo-addicted Eleven. This might be the dirtiest work of the Demogorgon yet.

As you may recall from watching the show, Eleven is somewhat of an Eggo connoisseur, so it only makes sense that the internet would fire out tweets into the Twittersphere in hopes that the Dustin, Lucas, or Eleven herself would get the message and throw away any of the whole wheat multigrain kind she may have hoarded in the woods during one of her cooling-down moments.

While nobody has reported an illness yet, and 10,000 cases of Eggo’s is a relative drop in the bucket when it comes to the amount Kellogg’s produces, people are nonetheless disturbed that Eleven could get listeria, and somehow get thrust back into the upside down. On the bright side, their fear has brought out some hilarious memes.





(Via Mashable)