Meet The ‘Fat Guy’ Who’s Biking Across The Country To Save His Health And Marriage

Eric Hites has embarked on a grueling mission that will take him across the country and, hopefully, leave him in better shape than he was when he began. At 40 years old and 560 pounds, Hites found himself in a failing marriage and poor health. But rather than let these things follow a tragic course, Hites decided to take action. He’s branded himself “Fat Guy Across America” and has been biking across the country, losing weight in the process. 90 miles into his journey, Hites has already lost 60 pounds, tracking his progress on a blog connected to his GoFundMe site.

Hites admits in an update that this isn’t the easiest thing he’s ever done, but fortunately, word of his mission has spread pretty far and he’s been able to meet this month’s fundraising goals. (The money goes toward his basic health needs and bike repairs.) On top of that, a bike shop in Newport, R.I. is donating a bike to Hites as a show of support.

It’s a pretty noble goal, and with enough support — both moral and monetary — Hites will surely come out of this a better man. Godspeed, Eric Hites!

(Via Time)