A few weeks ago, we asked three food writers to face off, to see who could make the best BLT. It ended up too close to call (right? Right?), so we decided to run it back with a Mac & Cheese showdown. Now it’s onto round three and the people have spoken:
Besides that brilliant tweet, tacos came up a lot in the comments. The other popular pick: Steak. And there was another interesting request: Make people rely on technique rather than just fancy ingredients.
So we’re going to try to hit the best of all worlds: It’s a taco showdown, using some sort of beef preparation. This allows for endless variations of salsa, lets the chefs to display technique with how they handle the meat, and forces them to all have a common protein.
Some rules:
- No duos or trios. You get one taco.
- The meat is beef.
- A taco is a taco.
That’s all.
We’d love to have people participate, so please tag your tacos #UproxxTacoChallenge on Instagram or Twitter, or email entries to steve@uproxx.com. The story will run Thursday, November 3 — so try to get your entries ready by the 2nd. If you don’t want to enter, all you have to do is get excited for some of the best tacos you don’t get to actually taste but do get to argue about online!