Unfortunately, spending two bliss-filled weeks on the moon is still not an option for mere earthlings, but why crave the isolation of outer space when someone’s designed the most amazing fortress of solitude here on Earth? It’s a glass tree-house (literally) and it’s going to be amazing when it’s up, and you can spend thousands of dollars a night enjoying nature’s embrace without ever having to leave the house.
The proposed treehouse, designed by Aibek Almassov, won’t go into production until 2017 (the guy’s got to find the right forest and the right tree), but it looks amazing. From a sprawling staircase that spans the curved inside of the structure, to the shower you’ll never want to leave, to the top-level observation deck, this tree house is a work of art. But it’s not just beautiful; Almassov told The Huffington Post that the plans are environmentally-friendly, with the tree and the humans taking care of each other:
When completed, the house will live in a beautiful exchange with the tree at its core. Transparent solar panels will coat the glass walls, Almassov told HuffPost, and rainwater will be purified and renewed for human use. As oxygen from the tree flows through the home, solar spotlights will shine on any branches covered by its minimal shade.
The biggest concern right now: creating a dimly-lit bedroom. Maybe Almassov could create a cubicle-like structure for sleeping? Or curtains? Or maybe we could all just kind of nod along, let him build the thing, and then decide we won’t take naps when we visit, saving all of our sleep time for night, when it’s going to be super dark and possibly super scary (actually, can you imagine this being the set of a horror movie or what?).
You know what? Totally worth it. Get that house up immediately! But if you can’t wait… this treehouse in Tennessee (reputed to be the world’s largest) may be a good getaway, too.