While It Will Soon Be Legal To Carry Handguns On Texas Campuses, Nerf Guns Are Still Prohibited

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Many people are understandably upset about the new law that was signed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott that will authorize individuals with a license for concealed carry to bring guns onto college campuses, starting August of 2016. And you know the problem is getting out of hand when even the freaking NRA is starting to distance themselves from open carry enthusiast groups. As we’ve already seen, students at Austin’s University of Texas are protesting the law by carrying dildos around campus with them, being that the university does have strict guidelines regarding free sexual expression.

As if that wasn’t ridiculous enough, however, the Daily Kos has pointed out perhaps an even bigger hypocrisy. After perusing through a few handbooks from Texas universities, it was found that Texas A&M University has strict rules against Nerf guns, in particular.

Propelling devices, such as rockets, catapults, slingshots, Nerf-type guns or any homemade device for the purpose of launching an object, are prohibited. Objects may not be thrown into or out of windows or onto or off of balconies.

Well, obviously. I mean, a good guy with a Nerf gun ain’t gonna do jack against a bad guy with a real gun. That’s just vigilantism 101.