Anyone who has ever been online knows that the internet dwelling populace tends to get torn apart by seemingly meaningless debates. It’s one of the cardinal rules of Twitter usage: if you have an opinion, someone is going to argue with you about it. Families and friendships have been ripped asunder by The Dress and how a dog would wear pants, and one of the classics, how to pronounce ‘Reese’s’ has once again reared its ugly head. Welcome to hell.
How do you pronounce the name of the peanut butter cup candy with the orange wrapper?
— queen d (@delorrres) July 2, 2017
It's pronounced to rhyme with pieces surely? Unless people are saying that as "Pee-Cees"?!
— Rich Gibbons (@Rich_Gibbons) July 3, 2017
I figure it's supposed to rhyme with pieces, hence ree-sis and not ree-cees
Not to mention proper grammar/pronunciation of the apostrophe s— Matt. (@aDudeYouKnow) July 3, 2017
Nah you're 100% correct cause it's Reese's with an apostrophe / s…. Reese-iz!
— trauma queen (@jadednelated) July 3, 2017
Pronounce it Reese's pee-seas one more time. I dare you.
— Katie Didn't (@Pork_Chop_Hair) June 24, 2017
if you say ree-see's pee-see's have you literally never seen a reese's commerical they actually 100% say "ree-siz"
— angel (@likeIyangel) July 4, 2017
To be fair, Reese’s themselves addressed the “controversy” back in April, taking (quite frankly) the coward’s way out.
Just like there's no wrong way to eat a REESE'S there's no wrong way to pronounce REESE'S!
— REESE'S (@reeses) April 13, 2017
It should be clear: it’s pronounced as a possessive. However, as with all internet debates, there will always be dissenters who just want to watch the world burn. Ignore the naysayers and hold onto your truth.
There will probably be plenty of people to rain on Twitter’s parade, dismissing it as stupid and superficial. Well, yeah. However, the world is pretty dark right now, and sometimes people need a little distraction when things get bleak. We could all use some chocolate peanut butter awesomeness these days, even if we’re inevitably going to fight over it. No matter how you pronounce it, go get some Reese’s. You deserve it.