A Massive Breast Topped A London Building To Fight Breastfeeding Stigma


In celebration of Mother’s Day in the United Kingdom (they celebrate it March 26 across the pond), a British advertising agency decided to get a conversation about breastfeeding going. To help with that, they plopped an enormous inflatable breast, nipple and all, atop a building in the Shoreditch area of London. Suffice to say people are talking.

Warning: These pictures are NSFW:


The agency behind this awareness campaign, Mother London, is trying creative and unexpected ways to get its messages across. This time around they tackled public breastfeeding, which they said still has a stigma attached to it:

It’s hard to believe that in 2017 UK mothers still feel watched and judged when feeding in public, by bottle or breast.

This was our Mother’s Day project. A celebration of every woman’s right to decide how and where they feed their children without feeling guilty or embarrassed about their parenting choices.


Fortunately, that stigma seems to be subsiding, as even The Vatican has defended breastfeeding mothers. And if nothing else, a giant inflatable breast on top of a public building will definitely get the conversation going!

(Via AdWeek, New York Times & Mother London)