The Judge Who Recognized Her Former Classmate In Court Surprised Him At His Jail Release

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Remember that heart-wrenching viral video from last summer, where a judge called out the man she’s facing during a bond hearing as being a former middle-school classmate, causing him to break down? Well, now there’s a follow-up video. And it’s just as touching, if not more hopeful.

This past Tuesday, after spending nearly ten months in jail on burglary charges, Arthur Case was released. And waiting in the lobby for him, alongside his family, was his former classmate, Judge Mindy Glazer—the woman who had previously told the court that Case was “the nicest kid in middle school.”

“Take care of your family,” Glazer told Booth at the reunion, which was caught on camera by CBS Miami. “Try to get a job. Stay clean. You’re gonna do something good for somebody else. That’s what you’re gonna do.”

“She’s an inspiration and a motivation to me right now. Mindy is incredible,” Booth said. “Cause I know where I could’ve been, but I’m not giving up on life. It’s just a new lease on life for me right now.”

If you’re having one of those days where you wonder whether all the goodness of humanity has disappeared (don’t worry, we get them, too), check out CBS Miami’s coverage of the warm reunion above. And then get out your old middle school yearbooks and pull up Facebook, because maybe it’s time to reconnect with that old football buddy from back in the day and see what he’s been up to recently.