Koreatown Run Club Founders Want You To Know “Anyone Can Be A Runner”

Let’s face it: Running to stay fit and active isn’t easy – even for the most advanced athlete. But with a little motivation and practice, you can grow to appreciate and love running. “Anyone can be a runner. You just got to go out and run,” says Duy Nguyen, co-founder of the Koreatown Run Club.

Nguyen and the club’s co-founder, Mike Pak, detail the origins of the club and what it has meant to them in the first episode of Greater Outdoors, which is a collaboration between Uproxx and KeVita. As the two discuss in the above video, what started as an IG post in search of like-minded runners five years ago has turned into something that allows them to find a routine, celebrate community, and develop their love of running with the approximately 25 group members.

“Run club is a space we can be ourselves and work on ourselves and improve on ourselves, and hold each other accountable,” Pak tells Uproxx. “If you do feel like you do suck at running, know that you’re not the only one who’s thinking that. You’re not the only one who’s thinking that you’re going to be the last person to finish.”

Watch the video above to get encouraged by the Koreatown Run Club and its founders’ inspiring journey and stay tuned for more Greater Outdoors.