You would think that nobody would dislike or be embarrassed by a frivolous lawsuit more than an actual lawyer, but you haven’t met this lawyer who wanted some free soup. When said lawyer didn’t get the bowl of soup that he was entitled — as part of the restaurant’s Saturday special — he wrote an official letter to the restaurant threatening a lawsuit. Talk about being a soup nazi.
According to Grub Street, Dallas’s own Dwain Downey was promised a bowl of soup to go with his entree and two sides, when he ordered the special at Our Place Restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant had run out of soup. Downey wrote a letter saying that Our Place had violated a “binding contract” created by its menu and its offer of the free soup.
Okay, sure, technically? Except even if Downey is right, it’s just soup!
No matter, here are his demands, otherwise a lawsuit is forthcoming:
I demand that you pay $2.25 in damages and $250.00 in attorney’s fees for the cost of this demand letter. In addition, I demand that you change your policy and if you do not have an item, either offer a substitute side or give a reduction in the price.
If I have not heard from you in 10 days, I will file my lawsuit against you.
The good thing for Downey is that the lawsuit threat is getting publicity. I’m not sure if anybody is really on his side in this matter, though.
(Via Grub Street)