On the 19th of September, Central Mexico was rocked by a devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake. The quake rocked Mexico City and the surrounding area to its core and has left over 200 dead so far. This latest quake comes on the heels of an even bigger earthquake in the southern reaches of the country earlier this month.
Needless to say, Mexico is shaken right now as recovery efforts get underway to save unknown scores of victims still trapped under collapsed buildings all over Mexico City and dozens of other cities and towns affected.
Our neighbors to the south need our help to carry out recovery efforts and eventually rebuild. While travel to Mexico City right now probably isn’t the best idea, you can send money, supplies, and provide accommodations for the displaced. Here are some ways to get involved:
#MéxicoEstáDePie #AyudaCDMX #MexicoCity
People working together to help others ❤🇲🇽 pic.twitter.com/AqYbNuGgUQ— Maggie (@fujiapplesrock) September 20, 2017
If you’re in Mexico City, Airbnb has opened up free housing (through volunteering hosts) from now until September 27th. If you’ve lost your home, you can go to their website and find a place to stay.
Voluntarios CDMX
If you’re in Mexico City and can help out in the relief effort, do so officially. Voluntarios CDMX is run through the Secretaria de Seguridad Pública offices. Head down to the office and you will be assigned a place to help out in an official and safe capacity where needed.
Donación UNICEF
Children have been severely affected by this earthquake. You can make a cash donation online via UNICEF. You can use your debit card, credit card, or PayPal to send money. Funds will go to immediate relief efforts and helping rebuild schools and lives for children.
Donación Cruz Roja
The Mexican Red Cross is the most official and direct way to get money to people in need in Mexico right now. You can donate directly via PayPal or via AmazonPay with your Amazon account. There will likely be a long recovery process that will need Red Cross money for months, so any little bit helps.
The fundraising page has set up a landing page for GoFundMe campaigns for specific causes happening right now around Mexico in relation to the disaster. You can also start a campaign to fund a specific cause to help with relief.
Salma Hayek is spearheading a plea using Crowdrise to raise funds for victims of the earthquake, especially children. Hayek is a survivor of the 1985 quake that rocked Mexico City and killed thousands. The actress started the donations off by giving $100,000. You can donate here and the money will go to UNICEF efforts now and in the future.
To find a specific donation path for food, medicine, volunteering, and money check Cómo Ayudar?’s website for direct links to regions and towns around Mexico affected by the disaster. The information is available in English and will lead you directly to various funds donation pages.