Before this year, none of us thought we would hear the words “gay dance party” and “Mike Pence” in the same sentence. But, then again, few of us anticipated that the man who happily signed Indiana’s religious freedom bill and believes that conversion therapy is a viable “treatment option” for homosexuals would become Vice President of this country. Alas, the world, as we have learned, is strange. And that means that Mike Pence will soon move into the White House and begin doing whatever he’s best at (possibly, as some memes suggest, really digging into legislation that would ban The X-Men).
Before he moves into his new digs, though, a grassroots LGBT+ group, WERK for Peace, which promotes its ideals (equality, peace, etc.) through the power of dance, will be holding a special party for him in front of his home on January 18th. If Mike Pence won’t go to Pride, fellow citizens, WERK and its supporters will bring Pride to him.
From the event invite on Facebook:
The homo/transphobic Mike Pence has graciously invited us to shake our booties and bodies in front of/around his house in Chevy Chase. We plan on leaving behind [biodegradable] glitter and rainbow paraphinalia that he can NEVER forget. #WeAreQueer #WeAreHere #WeWillDance That’s right, get ready to WERK it and tell Daddy Pence: homo/transphobia is not tolerated in our country!
WERK for Peace and DisruptJ20 are teaming up to bring you the best dance party in the nation, so you betta’ show up and weerrrrkkk! We will meet at the Friendship heights metro and make our way via carpooling or dance to Daddy Pence’s neighborhood. Bring your flyest rainbow gear and your booty/body shaking skills!
Of course, some of the messages on the page have been less than supportive of the protest, with several commenters reminding prospective participants that what they’re doing is disrespectful (it’s not; peaceful protest is a right) and admonishing them about the horrors they will face in hell if they don’t repent before…tomorrow?
One person (I couldn’t read all the comments because I only have so many hours in the day to devote to the hatred of others) quickly suggested that this is what happens when you give gay people rights, while completely missing the point that the reason this protest is happening in the first place is due to Pence’s history of stripping as many protections from the LGBT+ community as he possibly can while getting away with it legally.
That history doesn’t seem like it will change once Pence is in office. In September, Pence defended North Carolina’s HB2 law — the so-called “bathroom bill” — and there’s no reason to suspect that he will do anything different now that he’s ascending to a more powerful and prominent position. WERK’s mission here is to bring awareness to that and to be at the forefront of positive change. The group, The Daily Dot reports, formed in response to the shooting at the Pulse night club in Orlando, and the dancing portion of their mission isn’t just for fun:
As organizers note on the “about” section of their Facebook page, “The queer community has always been at the forefront of promoting change, and from Stonewall to Pulse, dance is integral to our movement, and to our healing.”
(Via The Daily Dot)