Whether or not porn is your jam, you’re probably curious about it. And you’re probably also curious about what others are curious about on the site, so to speak. It’s hard not to wonder just what people want to see when they log in.
Luckily for the non-indulgers there is the annual Pornhub State of the Union, which reports viewership trends in the United States, and the 2017 reports has just come (*giggle*) out, revealing the most searched terms state by state.
“Lesbian” is unmistakably the overall winner across the country, with the only other searched terms being “milf,” “hentai,” “Asian,” and “ebony.” Nothing too out of the ordinary, with the only real shockers (HAHAHA) that a bunch of red states definitely don’t mind them some homosexual loving as long as it’s on the Interwebs.
The site also details the most searched-for pornstars (Riley Reid and Kim Kardashian), top gaining searches, average time spent per state, and relative terms searched more often when compared to other states, then includes a giant 2017 Year in Review — with stats about data usage, just in case you might be writing a report on porn and technology in the United States.
With all these stats to study, it’s probable that if you’re visiting Pornhub today. To look for statistics, we mean. Or to watch Hamilton. Or whatever.