If you spend any time at all on social media, you’ve come across the hashtag #SquadGoals. Maybe it refers to an epic bar crawl or a Tough Mudder you want to run as a group. But, what if your squad’s goal is to travel? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you and your friends could take (AFFORD) an epic trip around the world? Now Royal Caribbean is making that dream a reality — the trip of a lifetime for you and a select group of your friends.
All you have to do is prove that you are the best squad for the job by using social media. Royal Caribbean is using the hashtag #AdventureSquad as the main hashtag for its contest to find the “World’s Most Adventurous Squad.” And what happens when they find this crew? The gang gets to travel all over the globe on one of the cruise line’s ships. Places like Alaska, the Caribbean, Asia, and the Med.
The contest starts on March 29th and runs until April 12th. All you need to start is an Instagram account featuring an image of you and your squad doing something adventurous. After you have your Instagram set up, tag three of your most adventurous, fun, down-for-whatever pals. Don’t forget to add the @RoyalCaribbean as well as #contest and #AdventureSquad somewhere on there.
There will be five Instagram-based challenges to follow that will show if you really are the squad the company is looking for. The winners of each of these challenges will be invited onto a cruise to compete in a bunch of wacky, real-life challenges with mysterious names like “Hidden Gems”, “Epic Eats”, “Culture Capture”, and “Land, Sea and Air”.
After all of these shenanigans, one truly epic squad will be crowned the champion and win three cruises to anywhere Royal Caribbean goes, as well as over $14,000 dollars in cold, hard cash. That can definitely buy you and your friends a lot of knickknacks and #SquadGoials shirts at whatever exotic port you end up in.