Teen Spends Tons of Money To Buy Every Girl At His High School Flowers For Valentine’s Day

Remember Valentine’s Day in high school, where you’d feel some sort of anxiety about getting a school fundraiser flower from somebody, anybody? A sweet 17-year-old boy out of Utah is here to solve that problem by getting every girl in his school a carnation for Valentine’s Day.

But man, did he drop a lot of money to do this. Mashable reports that Hayden Godfrey spent $450 on carnations for every girl in his high school. He bought 900 carnations, and raised the money through part time jobs, like any good, enterprising high schooler.

Says Godfrey: “I firmly believe no girl should feel excluded on Valentine’s day. If it was up to me, Valentine’s wouldn’t be a day about couples, but a day about loving your fellow human beings.”

That’s so nice. So it makes me feel bad to question the implication here, that girls who don’t have a valentine feel excluded from the holiday or bad for themselves. That they necessarily care about the “holiday” in the first place. Perhaps that’s the reality, especially in high school, and Godfrey is leveling the playing field, so to speak.

Then there’s the matter of carnations being the lowest common denominator flower (or maybe I’ve been watching too many Sex and the City reruns). But can you imagine how much money that would’ve cost if Godfrey had bought 900 roses? He should definitely save that moolah for himself, then.

(via Mashable)