Although it may sound like a puritanical cautionary tale aimed at discouraging young people from sexual activity, news out of Mexico City that a teenage boy died after receiving a hickey from his girlfriend appears to be legitimate. Mexico’s Info Noticias is reporting that 17-year-old Julio Macías González died of a stroke caused by a blood clot that made its way to his brain–a blood clot caused by the love bite he received from his much older girlfriend. As The Independent reports, the boy was having dinner with his family when he began convulsing violently and eventually died at the scene.
The woman in question, 24 and identified solely as “Iris,” was not well liked by González’s family. According to The Independent, the boy’s parents disapproved of the couple’s seven-year age difference, even calling her “controlling.” Some outlets speculate the woman is currently in hiding.
A similar freak incident occurred in 2011 to a New Zealand woman. After losing movement in her left arm, the 44-year-old visited a hospital where doctors deduced she had experienced a minor stroke caused by a damaged artery, which in turn was caused by the “hickey” bruise on her neck. At the time it was regarded as the very first instance of hospitalization resultant from a “hickey.”
Guess it’s officially time to add “hickies” to the ever-expanding list of Things That Can Kill You, right alongside your cat and social media etiquette.
(Via Complex/ The Independent)