ICYMI: 4 Marines reunited this weekend to recreate a beach picture they took 50 years ago.https://t.co/KvzsT4donT pic.twitter.com/iNX10XXnQy
— Naples Daily News (@ndn) April 25, 2016
A group of United States Marines took to a Florida beach on April 23 for a surf sesh half a century in the making. All four of the vets were on the beach to recreate a photo they had took 50 years prior, right before they went off to fight in the Vietnam War.
The original photo shows the four men – Bob Falk, Dennis Puleo, Tom Hanks and Bob DeVenezia – standing on Cinnamon Beach with a longboard directly behind them. They took it immediately after finishing basic training. Once they were shipped off, however, the four friends lost touch. The group hadn’t seen each other until they came together last week.
“We just broke up,” DeVenezia told the Naples Daily News. “Life is funny like that. I didn’t keep in touch with any of them. There was something about the Vietnam War and the negativity we kept hearing.”
The group reconnected by chance through a memorial page set up by Hanks for one of their fellow soldiers. That was about five years ago but it wasn’t until Hanks happened upon the old photo the group all decided to meet up and take the opportunity to remake it.
They tried to nail everything about the picture from the way they are standing to their expressions and the results speak for themselves.
(via Mashable)