Remember Tiffany & Co.’s “EveryDay Objects” collection? All those $1,000 tin cans, $300 yo-yo’s, and $9,000 balls of yarn prompted plenty of incredulity online:
In other news you can now buy a $1000 tin can from Tiffany's….#sensible
— G R I N N Y (@grinnyy14) October 27, 2017
It turns out making a product line so excessive and so perfectly emblematic of late capitalism that a bunch of people make fun of it is a great marketing tactic, as some of the items have sold out. (Boing Boing likened it to the Milo Yiannopoulos strategy: “When your audience is too thinly spread to be reached economically, use your opponents as amplifiers by saying things that so enrage them that they repeat them, eventually bringing them to the attention of the thinly spread minority who will welcome them.”)
Among the “EveryDay Objects” currently sold out online are this $375 ice cream scoop:

And this $450 six-inch ruler, with the first inch engraved in “Tiffany Blue”:

Hmm, maybe this year they can sell a Tiffany Blue guillotine.
(Via Bloomberg and Boing Boing)