Somehow, until today, legislation to officially ban vaping on flights did not exist. Although, for the most part U.S. airlines have voluntarily prohibited the use of e-cigs on flights.
The U.S. Department of Transportation banned cigarettes on commercial planes more than 25 years ago, of course, but the rules surrounding e-cigs were still ambiguous. Although the DOT said e-cigs were included in the decades old ban, the rule didn’t specifically include them. However, after submitting final regulations yesterday, U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx says e-cigarettes will officially fall under the same ban as other tobacco products.
Sorry cool guys such as Leonardo DiCaprio and U.S. Representative from California Duncan Hunter, it looks like your image will never be as tough as it once was.

While perceptions of vaping’s effects vary, studies do show e-cigarettes can be harmful to those who inhale both directly and indirectly. E-cigarettes vaporize dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, heavy metals, and ultrafine particles that can cause damage to the lungs and cardiovascular system.
This new legislation will ensure that people at high risk — children, the elderly, and individuals with respiratory issues — will not be involuntarily exposed.
Interestingly, if you do vape and wish to travel with your paraphernalia, you’re allowed to bring everything in your personal, carry-on luggage but you can’t check it. This is because sometimes e-cigs light people’s pants on fire by accident and they could do the same to your stored bags.
(Via Conde Nast Traveler)