Here’s a take so hot, it’s like 5,000 candles in the wind blowing straight into your face, courtesy of Joss Whedon. MTV recently debuted a clip from Jurassic World that had Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard arguing about respecting the raptors, despite the lack of raptors in the scene. Or any dinosaurs, actually. Instead, we got warmed-over His Girl Friday-esque dialogue.
Or in Whedon’s words:
The tweet that Whedon embedded came from the Mary Sue, which wrote, “We’re too busy fanning ourselves to talk more about Chris Pratt in this #JurassicWorld clip.” Now, it’s not fair to judge an entire character, let alone a whole movie (which was co-written by a female), based on a clip that aired during Teen Wolf commercials. So, let’s reserve judgement until the film’s out in June. Then we’ll know if women dinosaurs, and their human counterparts, are shopping.