There’s An Entire Website Dedicated To The Sexist ‘Sh*t People Say To Women Directors’

'Selma' Press Conference - 65th Berlinale International Film Festival
Getty Image

The Female Filmmakers Initiative recently conducted a study that, surprise surprise, found that “female directors of top-grossing films have decreased in the last 13 years, with female helmers clocking in at just 4.1 percent of directors across the 1,300 top movies in this time frame.” The gender ratio: 23.3 male directors for every one female. That, coupled with the gross underrepresentation of on-screen women in the workplace, would be alarming if it wasn’t so sadly expected. Things probably won’t change until every last scumbag quoted on Sh*t People Say to Women Directors is booted from the industry, onto a sinking boat.

The premise of the Tumblr is obvious… anonymously tracking the sexist, horrible things “people,” mostly men, tell female directors, writers, assistants, anyone working in Hollywood.

Here are some damning examples:

Via: Sh*t People Say to Women Directors