While actresses Jennifer Lawrence and Charlize Theron are fighting the good fight for equal (or better, more deserved) pay and winning, it is clear that few actresses are paid the way that they should be. The most recent to speak out is Amanda Seyfried, who says that she was paid a fraction of what her male costar was paid a few years ago. Seyfried shared her experience with The Sunday Times:
“A few years ago, on one of my big-budget films, I found I was being paid 10% of what my male co-star was getting, and we were pretty even in status,” the actress told the newspaper. “I think people think that just because I’m easy-going and game to do things I’ll just take as little as they offer… It’s not about how much you get, it’s about how fair it is.”
While the actress doesn’t name any names, the timeline suggests either Dear John (2010) with Channing Tatum or In Time (2011) with Justin Timberlake. While both are bigger names than Seyfried now, Tatum was nowhere near his current megastar status at the time and Timberlake was not exactly a box office draw. Any way you look at it, this is some sexist nonsense, and hopefully things will change as more and more actresses speak out.
(Via The Mary Sue , The Sunday Times, and Variety)