The list of celebrities who’ve had their nude photos leaked online is growing everyday, and that’s not good news if you happen to be the most popular search engine in the world. The latest to come out of the hacking scandal fondly dubbed “Celebgate 2014” is a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Google. Apparently, a letter from noted Hollywood attorney Marty Singer was sent to the tech company demanding Google remove all user-posted images, a demand the multinational corporation has so far refused to do.
Singer reportedly reps a number of celebs who had their personal photos hacked and then shared on sites like 4chan over the past few weeks. Though he has yet to reveal who his clients are, Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Kirsten Dunst are amongst those thought to be involved in the latest lawsuit. According to Singer, Google hasn’t done enough compared to sites like Twitter and Reddit, to stop the flow of hacked photos:
Google, one of the largest ISPs in the world, with vast resources and a huge support staff, generating multi millions of dollars in revenues on a daily basis, has recklessly allowed these blatant violations to continue in conscious disregard of our clients’ rights. Google’s YouTube counsel and compliance department refuse to remove stolen images through your expedited content verification process which facilitates the instant removal of the images uploaded to YouTube. Google has chosen to protect its revenue stream partners in order to earn multi millions of dollars on a weekly basis over the rights and protection of individuals.
Singer and his clients are seeking $100 million dollars from Google in this latest lawsuit.