Warner Bros. Is Not Buying Into The ‘Deadpool’ R-Rated Trend When It Comes To ‘Suicide Squad’

During its opening weekend, Deadpool became the first R-rated film to make more than $100 million at the box office. This prompted speculation that other superhero movies would feel free to go for the R-rating, knowing that they wouldn’t have to sacrifice their hard edges for money. But that doesn’t seem to be happening so far, at least for the upcoming Suicide Squad.

Talking to Entertainment Weekly, producer Charles Roven says that this movie will most likely be PG-13.

“I think right now we’re going for the PG-13. I don’t know that that’s going to materially change,” he said. “We can give that movie the edge that it needs and still maintain a PG-13.”

Comics Alliance believes that Suicide Squad producers don’t want to go for a “restricted” rating because the movie is already highly anticipated enough as is, judging by trailer views and other metrics. It probably cost more to make than Deadpool as well, making it even riskier for Suicide Squad to potentially cut down its audience size with an R-rating.

A related Warner Bros. property, Batman v. Superman, will also be PG-13 when it opens in theaters. In addition though, Entertainment Weekly reports that there will be an R-rated “Ultimate Edition” released for Blu-ray and digital download. This version will contain Jena Malone’s cameo, which was cut from the theatrical version, more fleshed out storylines for other minor characters, and perhaps more intense “sequences of violence.” Batman star Ben Affleck says that this is a good option for people who want their kids to see the movie, but who also want a more adult version for themselves.

Sounds like all superhero fans could be happy with this arrangement.

(via Entertainment Weekly and Comics Alliance)