Florence Pugh And Paddington Are Best Friends Now, And The World Is Right

It’s a Monday in February in an election year and the number-one movie in the country is Sonic the Hedgehog. Perhaps sensing that we could use some good news, a friendship has been formed between Florence Pugh, the Oscar-nominated star of Little Women and Midsommar, and Paddington, a kind and polite bear in an unkind and rude world. And in case that’s not British enough, they bonded over a shared love of marmalade.

This most glorious of circumstances began with Pugh making marmalade on Instagram, as one does. Specifically, “naughty” marmalade. She inherited the recipe from her grandmother, who “makes the best marmalade in the world,” which is exactly the sort of thing a certain bear would say about his Aunt Lucy. Speaking of, Paddington (not someone running the Paddington Twitter account, but the actual Paddington, who is real) tweeted, “If I had made 8 jars of marmalade last night I’d have one for each day of the week and a spare to share with a friend.” He tagged Pugh, who responded, “Paddington, do you want to make sandwiches with me? You can have a spare jar btw…”

Pugh is Paddington hive, confirmed.

I’m usually opposed to viral marketing, but if it turns out this is a stunt for Paddington 3, with Pugh replacing Nicole Kidman (in Paddington) and Hugh Grant (in Paddington 2, a masterpiece) as the villain, I welcome many more marmalade tweets to come.
