Suicide Squad has turned into one of the more contentious films of the summer. The reviews embargo for DC’s documentary about Jared Leto’s descent into madness was lifted yesterday, and they were not kind. “Suicide Squad,” our own Mike Ryan wrote, “is the most frustrating movie I’ve seen in 2016.” Whenever anyone, let alone everyone, has something negative to say about a superhero movie, the fanboys get all riled up and write things like, “Rotten Tomatoes is full of fake critics who tend to be biased towards certain films.”
Meanwhile, there’s another, more important #Squad controversy brewing: the length of Harley Quinn’s shorts. As noted by Mashable, “A Suicide Squad clip released during Comic Con last month differs to the identical shots found in the international trailer, shorts-wise.” Here’s the investigative proof.
International trailer
San Diego Comic-Con trailer
Why, it’s almost as if the Comic-Con trailer is pandering to the average male convention attendee, who enjoys seeing an attractive woman in tiny pants. When asked about the massive conspiracy (it goes all the way to the top… of her legs) involving her “sparkly and fun” shorts, Margot Robbie responded, “I didn’t know about that… having been there on the day, they were very small. But wow, I wonder if they did? That would be extensive Photoshopping to do.”
Can someone Photoshop Jared Leto out of the movie, too?
Just heard the news that the Suicide squad makers have digitally shortened Harley's shorts. Here's my thoughts on that 1/780
— Graham Linehan (@Glinner) July 30, 2016
(Via Mashable)