Star Wars: The Force Awakens is merely weeks away, so Harrison Ford sat down with Good Morning, America! today to talk a bit about the film and strapping on Han Solo’s iconic blaster once again. Ford has been historically cagey when talking about Star Wars in the past, referring to his beloved character as “dumb as a stump,” so either he’s completely sold his soul to Disney or Star Wars: The Force Awakens is as good as everyone hopes, because Ford had only good things to say.
He told the GMA crew that the film was “a little bit more of an emotional context than perhaps there was before,” and that he had already had the opportunity to see the finished movie.
“It was great. It’s a wonderful movie. It’s got great production values. It’s a real big movie and I was delighted to see it.”
The film takes place 30 years after the end of Return of the Jedi, but other than that, the plot details are pretty sparse (beyond speculation and piecing together footage from the many promotional teasers). On top of praising the film, Ford explained what it took for him to journey once again to a galaxy far, far away.
“A really good script, the opportunity to work with J.J., who I’ve admired, and it just seemed like a good idea.”
Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters on December 18, so be sure to check out this scruffy-looking nerf herder then.
(Via NME)