Phone Wars: We Imagine The ‘Helpful’ George Lucas Notes J.J. Abrams Totally Avoids

The latest Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer has been unleashed, and if it didn’t hit you right in your Star Wars happy zone, I’m afraid you’re going to have to trade in your Yoda Underoos. No talk of trade disputes, no baby-talking Jamaican duck aliens, just things blowing up and the emotional return of a few old friends.

Can you imagine how many unsolicited George Lucas phone calls J.J. Abrams had to ignore to get this movie made? The folks at Uproxx Video sure can. They put together a video envisioning what it must be like creating a Star Wars movie with doting dad George Lucas hanging over your shoulder the whole time. Needless to say, an Ewok parade is suggested pretty early in. Check it out above.